Note to Reader

The Love Secret Series

These are works of fiction based on multiple true love stories encountered by the author during clinical hypno-psycho-analysis practise and others from the author’s imagination.

As a love adventure, I hope this story entertains readers of all genders and ages, incorporating an abundance of love, action, humour and drama, as well as offering therapeutic benefit.

Though I adore literary writing, I do not write in high literary style, but rather with emotion-filled dialogue. Every sentence is part of the story and moves the plot forward. When I read a book, I am impatient. I do not want to read ten pages if only two sentences move the story forward. So my dear reader, be prepared for a fast-moving tale.

Are those clues of the love secret true, or a combination of reality and fiction? You must decide for yourself. Does this powerful love secret exist? Is it possible?

Only the pure of heart will discover it. It will require hard work, intelligence, and imagination, but most of all… faith… to break love’s secret code. I cannot guarantee if you will be one of those making a discovery. I will respond with guidance to those who subscribe to my readers list.

I hope you enjoy the Love Secret series. I will be with you all the way!

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