About Chris Neo

Chris Neo

Chris Neo, was born in Cyprus. He migrated and has practised in world-renowned clinics as a hypno-psychoanalyst. His experience in clinical love ailments gives him unique insight into the mysteries of the human heart, soul, and mind. Chris succeeded in bringing therapy to many who failed to find therapy under other therapist.

Contrary to popular Freudian doctrine and believe that most if not all psychological ailments derive from sex, Chris clinical experience conclusion is, that most of human’s psychological ailments derive from Love, lack of love, and often misconception of love.

This conclusion is what drove Chris Neo to write the Love Secret aeries, Beyond Love (book 1), Between Love (book 2 pending publication Spring 2023) and Love Beyond Eros (book 3 pending publication Autumn 2023). Chris aims to offer both reading entrainment, but also therapeutic gains to the reader, that’s why the Love Secret Series publication is unique.

Chris Neo is a multi-talented individual, who apart from exceling in the therapeutic field of Hypno-Psychoanalysis, equipped with multiple educational skills in economics and other business fields, he has excelled in multiple industries. He succeeded in very tough business environments, where many competitors went out of business.

The Love Secret Book series was written between his free time, whilst managing multiple companies, that is why it took many years to complete and publish. Chris has recently sold two of his main business companies and does not need to make a living from writing. But writing is his love work and writes for pleasure. He hopes to spend more time in writing.

Though an adorer of literary writing, Chris does not write in literary style. Chris is gifted with a powerful natural story telling imagination. Realising this capability and encouraged by others, Chris embarked on a self-taught story writing education, learning from ancient storytelling masters, like Aristotle, to present masters like Joseph Campbell, Vogler, McKena, McKee, a number of dialogue writing teachers and others. This helped Chris conclude to his chosen style of writing which is in majority emotion fill dialogue, with minimum descriptive literary words. Every sentence is part of the story and moves the story forward.

Few years ago, encouraged by his then 7-year-old granddaughter Zoe, Chris Neo begun to plot on paper/computer short synopsis of stories ideas springing naturally from his mind, before they fade from his memory next day. It is common event to see Chris up in the middle of the night jotting down a story that came to him in a dream or in a sleeping thoughts as he calls them, (nearing 100). He plans to publish some of these stories; the rest his talented granddaughter will have to develop. You can expect to see more of Chris Neo stories the majority of which are on romance genre, like the titles; Assassins Love, 99 Kisses, Only A woman Knows Best, Names Are Not Important.

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